I figured it was about time I posted a blog on our family life. That's right, five years after everyone else started blogging, I'm leaping right in. Hopefully, this will be a good way to keep in touch with our friends and family who we don't see as often as we would like.
I was inspired to begin blogging when I read an article in the newspaper about a young mother, Stephanie Nielson, who suffered horrific burns following a small plane crash in Northern Arizona in August. She started a blog to keep in touch with family, but touched many lives of people she had never met through her blog. She is currently in critical condition in the burn unit of the Maricopa Medical Center. She has burns over 80% of her body and has been through many surgeries.Her husband was also critically injured in the crash. They have four young children who are now living with relatives (read her story here http://blog.cjanerun.com/ ).
Through a blog about Stephanie, I learned of another young mother, Carol Decker, who suffered sepsis from a strep infection during her pregnancy. As a result of the infection and the treatments to keep her alive, she had both legs, her left arm and her right ring finger amputated. She has also lost her vision. The baby is doing well. (read her story here: http://sccsdecker.blogspot.com/2008/06/synopsis.html )
While I have never met either of these women, I found their stories to be so compelling. They are both strong women who love their children dearly. I found their stories to be such an inspiration! It reinforces how lucky I am to have the wonderful family that I have. I am so grateful that I am able to spend each day with my children and my husband.
Both of these women have huge medical bills at this point and their blogs have many ways that we can help support them financially. I encourage you to support them if possible. They have huge struggles ahead of them and the financial aspect of their treatment is the last thing they should have to worry about during their recoveries.